My academic journey is fueled by a deep-seated passion for writing, researching, and disseminating information that informs and entertains. This passion has been the cornerstone of my career, guiding me through various landscapes of thought and inquiry.
Over the years, I've had the privilege of engaging with a multitude of platforms and mediums, each offering a unique canvas for my ideas. My journey began on the digital pages of two blogs, where I explored the intricacies of human behavior and the nuances of societal structures. Though these initial platforms are now part of my past, their spirit lives on in my current endeavors, including my ongoing contributions to "The Mating Game" hosted on Psychology Today. This blog stands as a testament to my enduring commitment to exploringexplores the depth and breadth of human relationships through the lens of psychology.
My voice has also resonated across a variety of social media landscapes, from the scholarly exchanges on The Conversation to the diverse community of thinkers on Medium. These platforms have allowed me to reach a wide audience, sharing insights and sparking discussions that transcend academic boundaries.
At the heart of my work lies a collection of peer-reviewed publications in notable journals, where rigorous research meets critical analysis, contributing to the ever-expanding tapestry of knowledge. Beyond these articles, I have had the honour of authoring and co-authoring chapters in books that delve deeper into the core of my research interests, offering comprehensive explorations of complex topics.
Each publication, post, and page is a chapter in my ongoing narrative driven by a quest for understanding and a desire to contribute meaningfully to the world around us. Below is a list of my current peer reviewed publications. For a more comprehensive inventory please see my google scholar profile.
Peer-reviewed articles (click to download)
Anderson, R. C., & Surbey, M. K. (2014). I Want what she’s having: Evidence of human mate copying. Human Nature, 25(3), 342-358.
Anderson, R., & Moffatt, C. E. (2018). Ignorance is not bliss: If we don’t understand hypoactive sexual desire disorder, how can Flibanserin treat it? Commentary. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(3), 273-283.
Anderson, R. C., Surbey, M. K., & Mitchell, D. A. (2018). Mate copying is moderated by relationship recency and potentially by breakup responsibility. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4(3), 1-11.
Anderson, R. C. (2018). Mate copying and the effects of sexual history on romantic desirability. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4(3), 322-330.
Anderson, R. C., & Surbey, M. K. (2020). Human mate copying as a form of nonindependent mate selection: Findings and considerations. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 173-196.
Taimre, L., Anderson, R. C., & Paisley, O. (2020). Female mate copying explored: An inconsistent effect. Current Psychology, 1-10.
Scammell, E., & Anderson, R. C. (2020). Female mate copying: Measuring the effect of mate-relevant information provided by former partners. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 6, 319-327.
Terrett, I., & Anderson, R. C. (2021). Inferring sexual interest in different types of relationships: Effects of gender, alcohol, and attitudes. Sexuality & Culture, 25, 2246-2263.
Lim, C., & Anderson, R. C. Effect of sexual racism on partner desirability in gay Asian men. Journal of Homosexuality, 1-18.
Anderson, R. C. (2021). Attending to social information: What makes men less desirable. Sexuality & Culture, 25, 1946-1965.
Tekin, C., & Anderson, R. C. (2021). Non-independent mate choice in humans: An investigation of online mate choice copying and sex differences. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 7(4), 338-345.
Miller, D., & Anderson, R. C. Male Sexual Adaptations: Pre-copulatory adaptations: Sexual preferences. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology (Volume 2). Cambridge
Anderson, R. C., & Escobar, B. (2022). Mr. Popular: Effects of implicit and explicit social endorsement. Current Psychology, 1-16.
McKeen, B. E, & Anderson, R. C. Was it good for you? Gender differences in motives and emotional outcomes following casual sex. Sexuality & Culture, 1-21.
Anderson, R. C., Surbey, M. K. Call me Daddy: How long-term desirability is influenced by intention for fatherhood. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1-8.
Anderson, R. C., & Armstrong, A. A. (2022). What you see may be what you want: Mate copying in a natural setting. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-17.
Jarrett, A., & Anderson, R. C. Is the grass really greener? The influence of gender identity and sexual orientation on mate copying behaviours. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-10.